If your wallet is still a bit singed from this Father's Day weekend, these two new sponsored links from USA Suits and Intuit in FarmVille might make that burn sting a little less. Zynga has released both promotions just in time to start of the week with a bang, but don't be alarmed if you don't see the two links beneath your game screen immediately--these things take time. With that, the first set of free Farm Cash is thanks to Suits, a new show on the USA Network, and it's good for 2 Farm Cash.
Suits FarmVille promo
Just click on the link below the game screen that reads, "Take the USA Suits poll!" and you'll be greeted by a pop-up advertisement, but it's a good one. We promise. Just answer the questions as the video above plays, and soon enough you will see a blue "X" with text to the left of it that reads something to the effect of, "You've earned your two Farm Cash." Click on the blue "X" and the window will close.
Intuit FarmVille promo
The second promotion is from Intuit, and can be accessed by clicking the link beneath your game screen that reads, "Build your website with Intuit..." The usual pop-up will appear on your screen, and you will be asked to answer yet another poll and to try its service for free. Eventually, that familiar blue "X" will appear and you will be free to go, 2 Farm Cash in tow. All Farm Cash from sponsored links is added to your total automatically, though the process can take more than 30 minutes at times, so hang tight.
[Source and Image Credit: FarmVille Freak]
Are you a fan of the free Farm Cash promotions? If there was any one item you could spend Farm Cash on, what would it be?
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